Alphay International

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Royal Blend Tea on Face! --> Bye bye Acne

"A friend of mine has been using the Lingzhi tea as a face pack. In less than a week her acne has cleared up. She said to me: "This tea is amazing. I have tried so many things and nothing else has helped." She made a quart of tea and kept it in the refrigerator. Every night she soaked cotton balls in the tea (only the tea) and put it on her face."

I just put some on my right side of my face. Although my skin has been significantly better since taking the Alphay products it broke out over the weekend after having done two bentonite clay & honey masks last week. The right side of my face was affected. So I am going to put the tea on the right side of my face, only, for the next week and then see if I can see a difference in the texture of the skin between the two sides.

Okay ... so it's been 4 days that I've been using the medicinal mushroom tea on my face. Today is day 5. Since Wednesday morning I have been strongly wanting to use it on my whole face! I am really noticing a difference.

Notes after Day #1 ... I was working from home yesterday so I was able to apply the tea to my face several times yesterday, probably a dozen time, at least. I am a little bit sorry that I am not applying it all over my face. I can really tell a difference already. The marks on my face have significantly healed. My face seems a bit firmer. I especially notice it under my eye. I never thought I had puffy eyes but, not my left eye seems more puffy than my right. There aren't BIG differences between the two sides but, there is a difference.