Alphay International

Sunday, July 19, 2015

No more Asthma!!

   “My name is Jim Cervelli and I have been taking the Nourish your lungs and Balance now for about two months. One of my health problems is severe asthma. In the past I have found it very difficult to do any amount of exercise without the need of using my emergency inhaler and routine maintenance inhalers to keep me going.
   When hiking it was extremely difficult to talk and hike and to hike extended distances without
pausing for a breath.
   Now that I have been taking the two Lingzhi mushroom capsule products by Alphay, I have
found that I can not only talk and hike at the same time, but now am able to hike for extended
periods... hours without the need for my inhalers. Just recently I went hunting with a friend at
approximately an elevation of 9500ft above sea level and went the whole day without the
need of my inhalers. Yes I was exhausted at the end of the day, but I was not experiencing
any severe breathing problems. As a matter of fact, I do not need to use, nor do I use my
inhalers on a daily basis anymore. I am off my asthma medications totally and feel no ill
effects. I would like everyone to experience these same wonderful benefits that I am
experiencing using these Alphay products. ­J.C. 12/12/12