Alphay International

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kids having difficulties with attention or memory!!

I have identical twin boys, (9) and two girls, (11), (12), and they have only been taking Alphay's Balance and Calm Your Mind for 5 days. One of the twins isn't taking anything. My kids all have a touch of what I have, don't like to call it ADD, like to say "difficulties with attention or memory"! Anyway, remarkable difference in everyone, except the one who didn't  have any!! I was told it takes about 60 days to feel full effects for some, but this is our experience.

One other thing I wanted to share if someone has skepticism about the company. My father was one of the best on Wall Street as a research analyst, inspecting pharmaceutical (and other) companies. Last night he did a Zoom meeting with Scott Ohlgren and others, (after inspecting Alphay's plan first). His job used to be a tear apart companies to find everything and anything bad. He gave Alphay a thums up, which is helpful to share with others. Cheers!