Alphay International

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Kids having difficulties with attention or memory!!

I have identical twin boys, (9) and two girls, (11), (12), and they have only been taking Alphay's Balance and Calm Your Mind for 5 days. One of the twins isn't taking anything. My kids all have a touch of what I have, don't like to call it ADD, like to say "difficulties with attention or memory"! Anyway, remarkable difference in everyone, except the one who didn't  have any!! I was told it takes about 60 days to feel full effects for some, but this is our experience.

One other thing I wanted to share if someone has skepticism about the company. My father was one of the best on Wall Street as a research analyst, inspecting pharmaceutical (and other) companies. Last night he did a Zoom meeting with Scott Ohlgren and others, (after inspecting Alphay's plan first). His job used to be a tear apart companies to find everything and anything bad. He gave Alphay a thums up, which is helpful to share with others. Cheers!

No more cough!

While giving a presentation last week I shared a cup of tea with a lady I know. She called me the next day to tell me that she has been suffering from a chronic cough because of the renovation of her old home but, that after drinking that one cup of tea she did not cough the whole night. She was so happy for the relief she bought more tea.

Cats & Dogs have allergies, too!

I have been giving Alphay's Balance to my cat. Nigel, a 1 year old kitty, had an eye that watered constantly and a susceptibility to allergic type small lumps under the skin around his neck. I gave him about 1/4 of a capsule of Balance twice a day and 1 week more watering and no more lumps!

I also used Balance and the gemsoles on my dog for the start of an yeast-type ear infection and avoided a visit to the vet!

auto immune disease for many, many years. extreme pain in her fingers (Gemsoles)

My friend has suffered from an auto immune disease for many, many years. Her symptoms include extreme pain in her fingers and hands for which she has taken daily pain medication for as long as she can remember.
On Tuesday she received her Alphay gemsoles. She slept with the gemsoles on her hands on Tuesday and Wednesday night. On Thursday, she woke pain and no pain meds were taken all day! The first day with no pain pills in years!

Benefits of Coffee

It is my belief that it is the chemicals that are used for pesticides and fertilizers that make coffee bad. Alphay's Rich Black coffee, Zhi 4 black coffee and Flash, which is sweetened with pure cane sugar and coconut oil, have several certifications. To name a few: Organic, Kosher and California Prop 65 for heavy metals. Alphay's coffee is the cleanest and most healthy coffee there is in the world.


Megan has Sphiter of Oodi Dysfunction, causing the bile in her liver to back up. This creates a lot of pain, swelling and heat on her right side. After just --4-- days of drinking Alphay's Royal Blend lingzhi tea, her symptoms have eased up enough that she notices a difference! The swelling is down and she has pain relief. How great is that!?!

Grab some of this amazing healing tea and start getting your body back on track! One box includes 30 teabags. I easily use each teabag 3-4 times! Hot or cold - it's tastes good and is good for your health and well-being.

Weight Management Support

Stress Support for Women

Royal Blend Tea on Face! --> Bye bye Acne

"A friend of mine has been using the Lingzhi tea as a face pack. In less than a week her acne has cleared up. She said to me: "This tea is amazing. I have tried so many things and nothing else has helped." She made a quart of tea and kept it in the refrigerator. Every night she soaked cotton balls in the tea (only the tea) and put it on her face."

I just put some on my right side of my face. Although my skin has been significantly better since taking the Alphay products it broke out over the weekend after having done two bentonite clay & honey masks last week. The right side of my face was affected. So I am going to put the tea on the right side of my face, only, for the next week and then see if I can see a difference in the texture of the skin between the two sides.

Okay ... so it's been 4 days that I've been using the medicinal mushroom tea on my face. Today is day 5. Since Wednesday morning I have been strongly wanting to use it on my whole face! I am really noticing a difference.

Notes after Day #1 ... I was working from home yesterday so I was able to apply the tea to my face several times yesterday, probably a dozen time, at least. I am a little bit sorry that I am not applying it all over my face. I can really tell a difference already. The marks on my face have significantly healed. My face seems a bit firmer. I especially notice it under my eye. I never thought I had puffy eyes but, not my left eye seems more puffy than my right. There aren't BIG differences between the two sides but, there is a difference.  


"After over 60 years of headaches every other day, I have been headache free for over two months thanks to the Balance Formula."

This is AMAZING!!! Thank you Michele Novak We are so glad the mushrooms found you.

Be in touch to find out how to get wholesale pricing on this incredible product. You won't know until you try!

stung by a bee

My little cousin just got stung by a bee today and I tried putting a (Alphay Royal Blend) tea bag on it just to see (what would happen), and it literally made the sting feel better within a minute and the swelling start to go down after about 5. I was just grinnin'! lol. Even his mom, who's been resistant to trying any of the products for herself was like "Thanks Sam! That really helped!" I just LOVE this tea!

Here is an additional bee/hornet sting testimonial .... Good Friend and Alphay member got stung by a bunch of hornets yesterday. Back of the neck, on her hands... I recalled the testimony about bee stings and the tea bags... I suggested she soak the bags in warm water and then place them over the stings.
She said, "I wanted you to know that the tea bag worked great. Thank you! The stings on my hand have pretty much disappeared, and the tea bag also alleviated the ache in the back of my head. Thank you!!!! Susie"

Sinus Infections & Cancer Survivor

A testimonial about medicinal mushrooms from Dave P. diabetic type 1

weak liver

"For the past few years, I have seen an Ayurvedic practitioner (who is also MD) once or twice a year to get recommendations on supplements. As you may know, Ayurvedic practitioners use pulse testing, examination of skin, nails, glands, etc. along with blood test results from a physician's office to help balance your "systems". According to her, I always had weak liver. At the last appt. she said: "I don't know what you did but your liver is clean". I am one of the people who didn't have any specific big ailments, but had noticed better sleep, mental acuity and more energy. This was nice to hear on top of other pleasant improvements!"

wake feeling energized!!

“After a month of taking Balance and daily Lingzhi tea, I sleep better, wake feeling energized, and go about my day without worrying! At first I was afraid I’d not have time to do TWO businesses and now I love doing both­ and have time to learn more computer stuff too! Where is all this energy coming from?!” ­C.H. 6/16/12

Sleeping much better!!

“After being on the Balance and Cleanse for one week, I have noticed that I am sleeping
much better. I used to have to take Ambien or other sleep medications in order to sleep
through the night. I have not taken any sleep medications for the last week and have been
sleeping very well. That hasn’t happened in years. If I wake up in the night, I am able to get
back to sleep pretty easily, which never happens.” ­J.T. 6/6/12

Eczema cleared and Lipoma cysts are shrinking..

“I am sleeping great, lost 15 pounds with liver cleanse in combo with juice cleanse. Long time
eczema cleared up and lipoma cysts are shrinking away.” ­S.M. 4/26/12

No more Asthma!!

   “My name is Jim Cervelli and I have been taking the Nourish your lungs and Balance now for about two months. One of my health problems is severe asthma. In the past I have found it very difficult to do any amount of exercise without the need of using my emergency inhaler and routine maintenance inhalers to keep me going.
   When hiking it was extremely difficult to talk and hike and to hike extended distances without
pausing for a breath.
   Now that I have been taking the two Lingzhi mushroom capsule products by Alphay, I have
found that I can not only talk and hike at the same time, but now am able to hike for extended
periods... hours without the need for my inhalers. Just recently I went hunting with a friend at
approximately an elevation of 9500ft above sea level and went the whole day without the
need of my inhalers. Yes I was exhausted at the end of the day, but I was not experiencing
any severe breathing problems. As a matter of fact, I do not need to use, nor do I use my
inhalers on a daily basis anymore. I am off my asthma medications totally and feel no ill
effects. I would like everyone to experience these same wonderful benefits that I am
experiencing using these Alphay products. ­J.C. 12/12/12

Sharper Memory and Arthritic Feet pain

“I have been taking the Balance and the Calm now for about 2 weeks and really feel the difference. The Calm makes me really calm and mellow, sharper in memory too. My mom
who has arthritic feet and always in pain has been taking the Liver Cleanse and Balance and says that now she has no pain in her legs anymore. I am a true believer in this product.” ­S.L. 6/16/12

knee injury due to twisted (Gemsole)

I’m 72 years old. I have a knee injury which I had twisted and was in pain at the time of my introduction to Alphay. After sitting on a low couch for 20 minutes with the foot soles under my feet I stood with no pain and no support. The next day with the soles in my shoes I danced and ran around my workplace amazing my friends; again, no pain.

Sleep Mask help me sleep quicker...

I’m 62 years old. I have now been using the Sleep Mask for two weeks. Using the sleep mask I relax and go sleep quicker, usually within three to four minutes. I sleep sounder and find myself waking up feeling mush more rested.

Synergy Deep Sleep Mask (insonmia)

I’m 87 years old. I have been using the Synergy Deep Sleep Mask every night for the last two weeks and have found a profound difference in my sleep pattern. Prior to usage, I had trouble getting to sleep and was taking a sleeping pill 4 nights out of 7. I have not taken once since using the mask. I think having a good sleep has made a difference to my daytime life. I do not crave a nap now and feel the benefit.

migraines, degenerating discs in neck (Gemsole)

I’m 48 years old. I have suffered from migraines since the age of 12. Within the past 10 years I have also developed degenerating discs in my neck. The pain has escalated such that I was forced to quit my job as a Graphic Designer. My daily mission was to find something to stop the pain. I have tried chiropractors, naturopaths, reflexologists, massage therapists, acupuncture, lidocaine injections into my neck muscles, toradol injections and far too many pain pills to list. While some treatments lessened my pain, none removed it completely. My dear friend suggested I try the Gemsoles. At this point in my life I figured “why not?” Within FOUR hours my pain had dropped from 10/10 to a 5/10. THREE hours later the pain was GONE and has not returned. It has now been 3 weeks and I have not taken ONE pain pill, muscle relaxant or anti-inflammatory. I have also purchased the Sleep Mask and the sheet set. My energy level is higher, my sleep is returning back to normal, my appetite is coming back and I am the happiest I have been in years. For anyone suffering from any type of pain I fully recommend the Synergy Products from Alphay. They have changed my life for the better.