Alphay International

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Eczema Cleared! Insomnia gone!

“I am sleeping great, lost 15 pounds with liver cleanse in combo with juice cleanse. Long time
eczema cleared up and lipoma cysts are shrinking away.” ­S.M. 4/26/12

“After being on the Balance and Cleanse for one week, I have noticed that I am sleeping
much better. I used to have to take Ambien or other sleep medications in order to sleep
through the night. I have not taken any sleep medications for the last week and have been
sleeping very well. That hasn’t happened in years. If I wake up in the night, I am able to get
back to sleep pretty easily, which never happens.” ­J.T. 6/6/12

“After a month of taking Balance and daily Lingzhi tea, I sleep better, wake feeling energized, and go about my day without worrying! At first I was afraid I’d not have time to do TWO businesses and now I love doing both­ and have time to learn more computer stuff too! Where is all this energy coming from?!”
­C.H. 6/16/12