*Chinese traditional medicine/TCM believes that the internal organs and meridians are closely related to the 12 hours*.
The way of health preservation is also reflected in these 12 hours, *each hour has a corresponding organ at work*.
*23:00~1:00—— gall bladder*
Sleep well and cultivate courage. The mind is clear, the complexion glows and there is no dark eyes ring.
*1:00~3:00 -- liver*
Got to be sleeping at this hour, or else liver will be injured, the person will get irritable easily and get liver disease.
*3:00~5:00 -- lung*
This time period sleep deep n soundly, will be full of energy n essence.
* 5:00 to 7:00 — colon*
The colon is active, it is best bowel movement time after getting up.
*7:00~9:00 -- stomach*
This is the best time to eat breakfast for easy digestion n absorption.
*9:00~11:00 -- spleen*.
At this time, digestion and absorption are good, and blood quality is good.
*11:00~13:00-- heart*.
Take a short nap to calm the nerves and nourish body vitality.
*13:00~15:00 - - intestine*.
Drink plenty of water and tea at this time, which is beneficial for intestinal excretion and reducing fire.
*15:00~17:00 -- Urine bladder*.
Drink lots water to cleanse urine bladder n kidneys.
It is not suitable to do vigorous exercise nor to drink a lot of water.
Keep happy mood n do light activities such as reading, listening to music, SPA, dancing, Tai Chi...
*21:00~23:00 --Triple Burner*.
Sleep at this time, whole body can get the best rest, which is very kbeneficial to the body health and beauty.
In this way, the 12 hours health regimen is all introduced. Its law is to follow the meridians, viscera, and yin and yang to maintain health.